February 16, 2023 | Other Activities
Taking place at the Sapadia Hotel Pematangsiantar,
the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) event on Improving Simalungun Regency Data
Quality in Figures 2023 in the Context of Sectoral Statistics Development took
place this morning which was attended by Regional Institution,
Vertical Institution, Bank Indonesia, Regional Enterprises and other agencies in
the Simalungun Regency area immediately opened by the Regional Secretary of
Simalungun Regency Mr. Drs. Esron Sinaga, M.Si.
Mr. Secretary in his remarks also directed that the data provided from agencies is accurate data so that development in Simalungun Regency is directed and on target.
Also in the event, there were 2 speakers
who made presentations, namely from the Head of the Regional Development
Planning, Research and Innovation Agency for Simalungun Regency Mr. Ronald
Samuel Tambun, S.S.T.P., M.Si regarding One Data for Quality Development
Planning and Statistics of Simalungun Statistician Mr. Nusantara Sembiring,
S.S.T., M.M regarding Sectoral Statistics.
As for awarding the three best agency awards for the fastest data entry to Statistics of Simalungun, namely: The Secretariat of the House of Representatives Simalungun Regency, the Simalungun Regency Population and Civil Registry Office, and the Simalungun Religious Court.
Head of Statistics of Simalungun Mr. Ir. Sawaluddin Naibaho, M.Si expressed his appreciation to the agencies that have attended this FGD event in order to improve the quality of Simalungun Regency Publication data in Figures 2023 which will be released later on February 28, 2023.
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